Setup Buildkite Integration
To integrate Buildkite with your CI-Engine subscription, follow the steps below:
Navigate to CI-Engine > Integrations.
Click on the (+) Plus sign.
Choose the subscription for which you create the integration.
Choose Buildkite as the CI-provider of the integration.
Choose a global or custom image for your runners to use.
You can always change the image of the integration later.
Configure the runners to connect to your repository.
Setup an Agent Token at Buildkite
Define a runner timeout, after which a runner without an active build job will be terminated.
Give your integration a name.
Configure a webhook at Buildkite
Add the displayed public SSH key to your repository.
Once you finished the steps above you are ready to build! Simply trigger the Workflow you just updated to run on CI-Engine and check the state of your runners on the detail page of your subscription.
Agent Token Configuration
The agent token is used to authenticate and connect the agent on each new runner to your pipeline. We support both clustered and unclustered tokens. However we strongly suggest the usage of a clustered agent token as this is the new default for Buildkite agent tokens. You can find out more about unclustered Buildkite agent tokens here.
Webhook Configuration
To spawn the runners on demand you need to setup Webhooks in your Buildkite pipeline:
In your Buildkite dashboard, go to Settings > Notification Services and click on the Add-Button for webhooks.
Configure the Webhook URL and the Token that are provided in the Wizard-Step. Alternatively you can find this information on the details page of your integration by clicking on (•••) More button and View Webhook Config.
Configure the Webhook Notifications by selecting the Events job.scheduled and job.finished. These Events are required for the runners to spawn correctly.
SSH Configuration
To give the runner access to clone your repository during the jobs you need to add the SSH public key that is provided on this step to your git provider. Most providers support a deploy key that can be used for this purpose. For more instructions you can follow the official documentation of your provider:
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