Runners & Concurrency
Once you have setup an integration with your CI-provider, your build-jobs will be processed by our runners as soon as the configured pipeline is triggered.
Active Runners
Runners which are currently scheduled to start, starting or running can be seen in the tab “Active Runners” on the subscription- or integration details.
Runner History
Past runners can be found in the “Runner History” tab on the details page of your integration.
Debug mode
You have the option to connect to your runner while it has the status “Starting” or “Running” for debugging purposes. For detailed instructions see How-to: Enable Debug Mode.
Automatic Timeout
Runners in debug mode will be timed out after 12 hours.
Runners customizing an Image will be timed out after 12 hours.
The concurrency limit is the amount of runners which can run in parallel. A subscription has a concurrency limit of one by default.
Be advised that the minimum commitment time for reducing the concurrency limit is 730 hours (~1 month). You can only reduce your concurrency limit once the commitment time has passed.
Changing Concurrency Limit
Navigate to the details page of your subscription.
Click on the dot-menu of the subscription.
Click on “Change limits” in the action menu.
Set your “New Concurrency Limit”.
Last updated